Trucking For Jesus Logo Truck Sketch

"Joy For The Journey"

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2305 Shell Road

2305 ShellIt was late one night; everyone should have been in his pajamas getting ready for bed. But at 2305 Shell Road the young couple and their nine-month son were still up, just one more program on TV. However, all was interrupted with a knock on the door. The husband of the house thinking it was just one of them door-to-door salesmen threw the door opened and yelled out, "What do you want?" An elderly man standing at the foot of the steps at 2305 Shell Road was not shaken by the rough question, and with a voice of an angel he replied, "I come to tell you about Jesus."

The wife knew when her husband heard the visitor's answer he would be immediately run off, you see the husband was not a religious man and didn't take to folks trying to "convert" him. But to her surprise her husband said, "Come on in I want to hear what you have to say." She stood in amazement as the gentleman explained the gospel of the Lord Jesus and even quoted John 3:16. He also explained to this family that Jesus didn't come to condemn them but to save them. Conviction seized upon their souls as this late night caller gave the redemption plan.

Then came the question that would change time and eternity for this family at 2305 Shell Road. Would you like to receive Jesus as your Lord and Savior? Without hesitation the family fell to their knees and made an altar beside their sofa as they prayed the sinners prayer.

The late night caller promised to pray for this couple, and as quickly as he came he was gone in the evening shadows. In all the clamor of the night the family didn't get the soul winners name, he only spoke of Jesus.

When the morning came the couple knew that something was different, the weight that a sinful life carried had been lifted, and there was a joy that filled their hearts that had never been present before. Even their conversation was different, instead of making their daily plans of work, they spoke of the small church at the end of the road that they had passed many times.

Come Sunday a new family was in the small church! That Sunday was just the beginning of changes for this family, a new love had been planted deep into their hearts, a love that would grow and sweeten, as the years would pass.

Since that night some thirty nine years ago the family that lived at 2305 Shell Road, has gone on to pastor churches, minister in prisons, nursing homes, and of the last twenty nine years gone coast to coast with their Mobile Chapel as missionaries to the Truck Drivers. They have also been privileged to minister in over six hundred churches. The small baby that was in his mother's arms that night grew to be a strong young man, who now ministers the gospel with his son by his side.

This family I write about is my own. I shall never forget that night God extended His saving grace to 2305 Shell Road. My heart ponders upon the man who one night went door-to-door telling the story of Jesus. We never saw him again. I have so wanted to get word to him to thank him for coming to our house, and to thank him for telling us of God's love, and inviting us to receive Jesus into our hearts. On earth we may never meet again, but when we reach Heaven's shore I shall thank the soul winner that came to 2305 Shell Road.

"For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life." John 3:16

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