Trucking For Jesus Logo Truck Sketch

"Joy For The Journey"

Blonnie Gregory

by Blonnie Gregory,

(Thumbnail of the cover will enlarge. Use your back button to return.)

Book Cover

This book is dedicated to my son, Orville Nathaniel Gregory, Jr. Never forget the "Joy" of the journey!

The contents of this book are not to be sold, or used in any form without written permission from the author.

Table of Contents

Each page of Joy For The Journey has clickable links at the top and bottom of the page that will take you to the previous page, the next page, or back to this table of contents page.

2305 Shell Road

Berry Picking For Jesus

Just On Time

The Trucker & The Church Bus

A Basket of Faith

The Ball Game At Pamplin City

The Point of No Return

Too Late To Pray!

A Tear On The Page

God Is Faithful

Two O'clock Virginia Time

The Home Stretch

In The Arms of God

This Same Jesus


Dear reader. This latest work by Chaplain Blonnie Gregory is slowly being transcribed into web page format. I want to thank Sister Blonnie for supplying the text and graphics already typed. Transferring the book into HTML format and converting the images takes a bit of time. And so I ask for your patience. I'm truly enjoying this latest book. It is a joy to put it up on the web. There is more to come. Drop back by again and read more of this book as I get it uploaded and formatted. --clint, web assistant

Chaplain Bunny and Blonnie Gregory
P.O. Box 4509
Martinsville, Virginia 24115