Trucking For Jesus Logo Truck Sketch
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"Joy For The Journey"

Just On Time

Just On Time

Nothing seemed to go right for my husband and I one morning at a TSA truckstop as we were getting our Mobile Chapel, our church on wheels, ready to travel to our next scheduled stop. He blamed me and I blamed him for the delays. Have you ever been there?

Finally we were ready to leave, we pulled out onto the freeway with our semi-tractor and trailer. As we pulled onto the freeway another big rig blended along beside us at the exact same time. We traveled down the freeway side by side for several miles. The trucker in the other rig called to us on the CB. He asks if there was a preacher on that Jesus truck. My husband called back to him with a big 10-4. The driver then asks would we pull over immediately. When we got to the first wide spot in the road we pulled over with the other driver. As we parked he was already running back to our Mobile Chapel. He then proceeded to tell us what had just happened to him. He said that he had just laid his pistol on the dash of his truck and was getting ready to take his life. As he reached for the pistol he prayed a prayer and asked God if there was any help for him. He said that no sooner than he said those words he looked up and saw the name of Jesus on the side of our chapel. He fell to his knees and made an altar of our fuel tank and asks Jesus to come into his heart and life. When he came up, he came up rejoicing in Jesus, and thanking Him for the answer that came just in time.

When I stop to remember how "on time" our God was and always is, it always amazes me. That is how precise that day the timing had to be, and how that even before that dear trucker cried out in desperation the answer was already on the way!

Then you shall call, and the Lord will answer; you shall cry, and He will say, Here I am. Isaiah 58:9

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