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"Joy For The Journey"

2 O'clock watch

Two O'clock Virginia Time

One of the most stirring testimonies I have ever heard was that of Mr. Hyde of Martinsville, Virginia. Mr. Hyde said during the Second World War he was shipped out to fight. He said his mother went to the train with him to see him off. The last thing his mother done before Hyde left, was put a Bible in his shirt pocket and said, "Son, I'll be praying for you everyday, two o'clock Virginia time." Hyde was not a Christian, but he knew that his mother was, and that she was a fervent praying woman.

Hyde said that it wasn't long until he was in the heat of war, it was a horrible time, and death was all around him. He said at one place the enemy had his platoon pinned down, and no one could hang the American flag. But Hyde thought about his mother as he did everyday in battle, and he told his captain to tell him when it would be two o'clock Virginia time, and that he would hang the flag then. The time came and the flag was given to Hyde. His clothes were shot off of him, but not one bullet harmed Hyde. He hung the American flag. When his captain asked him why two o'clock Virginia time he replied, "Sir, I can do a lot of things at two o'clock Virginia time that I can't do any other time." Hyde knew Mother was praying for her son! Hyde made it home safe, in answer to much prayer. And years later Mother was still praying for her son. Hyde gave his heart and life to Jesus. How many have done the impossible because someone prayed a Virginia two o'clock prayer?

"The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much." [James 5:16]

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