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"Joy For The Journey"

The Moving Van

The Home Stretch

We leave our home in Virginia with our mobile chapel, stop in at truck stops all across the states; end our route at Redding, California, where we u-turn and head back towards home, one stop at a time. I have always loved Redding, California. My husband and I have many friends in the area. We have many cherished memories of Redding. For the last twenty-eight years that is where we have spent our Christmas. It is always a joy to arrive at the truck stop, spend our time, see all our friends, and then start back toward home with joy, knowing that we completed one more soul-winning trip. But always during my stay at Redding, some way, some how I always receive upsetting news. It may be something that happened months before I arrive at Redding, or something that has just taken place. But nevertheless, news will reach me at Redding. As much as I love Redding, there has always been that deep dread of: what will come up this year. I was telling someone that the other day, about how there will always be something come up to try to spoil my time at Redding, and that I wondered why always at Redding. Then into my spirit the Lord spoke to me and told me why. Redding is our turning point. We have made the trip out, and we were getting ready to make the stretch home. The Lord showed me that this is how it is in our spiritual walk. Many have made the journey out, reached their turning point, and when time for the home stretch bad news arrives to shake or to discourage them. The plan being to slow up their steps, take away their joy, and if possible to cause them to abort the rest of their journey. If you lose your joy, you lose your strength.

The devil doesn't care how or what it takes to shake you. He will send you any message he thinks that will break your heart. All across the country I meet folks for one reason or another who have decided to give up, quit, postpone, or wait until another time to finish their spiritual trip. Some have become offended. Some have become weary in well doing, and some have lost the heart to go on. Please see, dear ones, this is our turning point. Jesus is coming soon. We are heading for the home stretch. Heaven is in view. Don't slack up, give up, let up, but look up! The enemy will use any trick or send any message to cause you to lose your vision of heaven.

A friend of mine's husband was leaving her and the ministry for another women. She said to him as he walked out the door, "You are giving up what you have to get what you want!" Is anything worth coming this far, to let the enemy whisper doubt and discouragement to you to cause you to leave the journey now? Many now have reached their Redding, and you now are faced with the choice of how to react. Choose to keep on keeping on, because we can't come this far to turn back now. We are heading for the home stretch. We want to finish the journey with joy, and we want to see Jesus! Make sure your "wants" are that of good, and of righteousness, and not a package of deceit from the enemy. I have learned over the years, when doubt rings, let faith answer.

I've traveled here for many years,
I've seen the mountains, the valleys, and some tears.
I've been tempted, tested, and tried.
But faithful Jesus stood by my side.

Like the Apostle Paul I want to say,
I kept the course, I finished the race,
Then when my Jesus I see face to face.
I will stand to sing Amazing Grace.

Blonnie Marie Gregory

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