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"Joy For The Journey"

Chaplain Bunny Gregory

God Is Faithful

Everyone knows my husband as, Bunny Gregory, but I call him my "God-is-Faithful Man." If you speak to him a few minutes you will hear him say, "God is faithful." He will wake me up at night and tell me; God is faithful. But if anyone should say "God is faithful," it is Bunny and myself. All of our life God has shown HIMSELF faithful to us: God IS faithful!

Since 1975 we have been Trucking For Jesus, taking our mobile chapel to truck stops across the U.S., telling the story of Jesus. There have been many obstacles, storms, and yes, breakdowns. When your church is an eighteen wheeler, you have to keep fuel, tires, insurance, license, and a good engine to name just a few things, to keep on trucking. Never has God failed to send what has been needed to make the next stop. God is faithful, and my God-is-Faithful Man reminds me over and over. There have been a multitude of miracles in our ministry, we could never say it enough, and God is faithful.

A highway state worker flagged us down coming into Barstow, California. He said that he had just found a tire and wheel on the side of the road, and wanted to know if we wanted it. That morning we had prayed for a tire for the chapel; God is faithful.

I had made Bunny and a trucker a cup of coffee. It was the last coffee we had. And not only the last coffee, but we had ran out of groceries that morning. But soon God was to supply. A trucker from Oklahoma came pulling up beside us, asking where had we been? He said he had been looking for us for two weeks, and that he had some groceries for us. Not only was there food and coffee, but earlier that morning our little boy had asked for a kite and string, and lying on top of the food box was a kite and string. Two weeks before we ran out of food God had made provisions for us, even to the desire of a little boy for a kite and string. God is faithful.

One Christmas morning a lady and her husband came to our chapel to bring us a gift of Avon. When we removed the Avon from the gift bag, we found that they had put a card inside. When we took it out and opened it, there was an enclosed check for $5,000.00. The amount we would need in just a few days to pay for our insurance and license for the mobile chapel. I still get happy when I see Avon! God is faithful.

A trucker blessed us with sixteen cases of soup. Two days later a lady gave us nine boxes of crackers. God is faithful to send the soup and crackers! God is faithful.

A man in a pickup truck drove up beside our chapel, handed us two twenty-dollar bills and said, "God said for me to do this." Then drove off. We didn't have the money to move! But God is faithful!

A trucker came into the chapel two weeks before one Christmas, and received Jesus as his Lord and Saviour. As he walked out the chapel door he said, "I want to bring my wife to you so you can tell her about Jesus." Later we received a letter from his wife telling us, that on Christmas morning he was killed in a truck wreck. She told us that she and all the family could see a change in him. Two weeks before his soul was required of him he made his peace with Jesus. God is faithful.

A homeless woman came into the chapel late one night. She was so dirty and unkempt; it was hard to imagine how anyone could get into such condition. Bunny invited her to receive Jesus and she did, gladly. She was later picked up by the state and put into a nursing home. A nurse in the home said that she would walk up and down the halls, and tell others about Jesus. God is faithful.

A trucker was saved in the chapel, and we had run out of Bibles. We gave him a new Bible that we had brought for ourselves. Later a driver gave us a case of Bible to give away in the chapel. From that day on we have never run out of Bibles to give away. God is faithful.

Many times we have awaken in the night by a trucker leaving a box of groceries on our steps, an offering in the door, a note of thanks, a watermelon, a case of Spam, a box of potatoes. All has been from thoughtful men and women who love Jesus, who know God is faithful. God has clothed us, fed us, encouraged us, healed us, and kept us in the palm of HIS hand of mercy and love. God is faithful. You can see why my God-is-faithful man is forever reminding us that GOD IS FAITHFUL.

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