Trucking For Jesus Logo Truck Sketch
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"Joy For The Journey"

A Tear On the Page

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"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free." [John 8:32]

It was a bright sunny day at the truck stop at Ontario, California. The trucks were packed into the stop, as always, from all over the United States and from Canada. It was a city within a city, a busy trucker city. My husband was standing in front of our Kenworth tractor. A trucker had asked how he could have peace when things didn't seem to be going his way. Just like trucking he had hit some rough road. My husband read to him from Genesis 39:21.

"...the Lord was with Joseph, and shewed him mercy, and gave him favour in the sight of the keeper of the prison."

My husband told him that there was no hopeless prison when a man will honor and serve God. When my husband showed the verse to the driver, a single tear from the trucker's eye fell onto Genesis 39:21.

Since that time I have gone back to that bright sunny day in my memories many times, and thought about the single tear that fell upon the Word of God, and I think about the countless times the answer has been given and folks didn't even let a tear fall, nor a sigh cross their face.

Have you heard God's Word with the intent to obey and to receive? If so, your path can trace tears, not of sorrow, but of joy. I can only wonder about the trucker that day. We never saw him again, but I want to give that same message as was given to him:

"There is no hopeless prison when a man will honor and serve God!

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